
MegaCAD GmbH

Große Elbstraße 43
D-22767 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (0)40 507 973-0
District Court Hamburg: HRB 179693
VAT-ID No.: DE362364119
Authorized managing director(s):  André Kohut, Lars Kloppsteck, Dr. Stefan Gutberlet
Responsible for content
according to TMG §55:
Ralph Kubba

Further imprint information’s

Data protection

In accordance with §28 BDSG, we object to any commercial use as well as any other transfer or publication of the data.

Legal information:

The content and structures of our website are protected by copyright. The reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts or images, requires our prior consent. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the copyright for text, images and illustrations lies with the operator of this website (see above) and its licensors.

No liability:

The contents of this website have been carefully checked and created to the best of our knowledge. However, no claim is made to the completeness, topicality, quality and accuracy of the information presented here. No liability can be accepted for any damage resulting from reliance on the content of this website or its use.

Infringement of intellectual property rights

If you suspect that one of your intellectual property rights is being violated by this website, please report this immediately by electronic mail so that remedial action can be taken quickly. Please note: The time-consuming involvement of a lawyer to issue a warning at a cost to the service provider does not correspond to the service provider’s real or presumed wishes.

Area of responsibility

The imprint only applies to the internet presence at the address and the existing domains owned by the operator or its partners that redirect to this content.